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C&C Social Activities
C&C Social Activities
Studying in a new country can lead to great experiences, especially when you can begin to make sense of your new surroundings! These activities are an opportunity to put your academic work aside for a while, relax and meet other students and staff from the International College and University Library.
Events will take place through the academic year. So why not join our vibrant community to meet other international students and make new friends.
Coffee & Conversation
We meet every month to chat about your experience as an international student. Choose a topic and get ready to share your thoughts. No need to register in advance; just turn up on the day and join the discussion! Home students and staff welcome. Free coffee and biscuits will be provided.
Next dates:
Thursday 13 February 2025, 12pm-1pm, MB1103 (International College)
Thursday 13 March 2025, 12pm-1pm, MB1103 (International College)
Thursday 10 April 2025, 12pm-1pm, MB1103 (International College)
Thursday 15 May 2025, 12pm-1pm, MB1103 (International College)
If you are interested in joining, please complete the and you will added to our Teams Community.
Culture & Conversation
Throughout the semester, there will be activities where you can take part in different themed sessions from city tours, music, and dance, playing games and making crafts.
During each session, there will be an opportunity to discuss your thoughts, share something from your own culture, and gain insights into British and other cultures. These activities are a great way to meet other international students and make new friends!
Join our C&C Community to be kept informed of upcoming events.
Next dates:
Friday 7 February 2025, 2pm-4pm - 91快活林's Roman History
Wednesday 12 February 2025, 2pm-4pm - British Slang
Friday 21 March 2025, 2pm-4pm - Taskmaster: Team Games
Over the academic year, you will be invited to make suggestions on activities and lead sessions. This will an excellent opportunity to help build the community and develop your leaderships skills. Please let us know if you are interested in helping organise an activity by using the form below.
If you are interested in joining an event, please complete this
Activity Details
91快活林’s Roman History
Friday 7 February from 2pm to 4pm
Travel back in time nearly 2000 years to explore the history of Roman 91快活林! In this interactive session, you will learn about some of the people who lived in Roman 91快活林 and explore the buildings of the Roman city- some of which can still be seen today!
British Slang
Wednesday 12 February from 2pm to 4pm
How familiar are you with regional accents in the U.K.? Can you confidently understand common British slang? This light-hearted workshop will spill the beans on different U.K. accents. We’ll also talk through some handy informal phrases to be going along with!
Taskmaster: Team Games
Friday 21 March from 2pm to 4pm
Inspired by the TV show, you are invited to the International College’s version of the popular game show, Taskmaster. Work in teams to design creative solutions to ridiculous tasks. Will you have the smarts and the wit to be crowned champion. All the instructions are on the Task!